The holiday season is here, and it’s time to put up a Christmas tree. While there’s a lot of convenience from opting for a fake tree that can sit in storage for 11 months of the year, opting for a real tree just feels more in the spirit of the season. If you’re not sure about how to get that conifer home, see these tips about making an easier job of hauling that freshly cut evergreen to your home.
Use the Right Vehicle – With enough effort, you can get your tree home with any vehicle. But don’t risk the headache. Rather than taking the Miata to pick up the evergreen, opt for something more practical, like a minivan or truck.
Protect Your Vehicle – Even if you have a roof rack for tying up the tree, throw an old blanket or some towels underneath it before putting the evergreen up there. The branches can potentially scratch the paint, and it may leak sap. This is a simple way to prevent damaging the vehicle’s paint.
Use Quality Tie-Downs – Bring your own tie-downs, rather than using the complimentary twine that tree sellers generally offer. Ratcheting nylon cords or stretchy rubber pieces are going to offer more strength and are far less likely to break.
Point the Tree Trunk Towards the Front – When loading the tree onto the roof, be sure that its trunk points toward the front of your vehicle. This is because the bundling process pulls the tree limbs up. Orienting things the other way would have the airflow over the vehicle trying to push the branches down and risk damaging your Christmas tree.
Drive Slowly and Easily – Keep your speed down when driving home with your tree, like by taking back roads rather than interstates. High velocities risk damaging your newly bought evergreen. If your tie-downs aren’t up to the job, then there’s a risk of the conifer flying off the roof.
Removing the Tree – Now that you’re home, don’t get too excited to remove the tree and accidentally damage it or your vehicle. Be careful when removing the tie-downs to avoid slamming the ends against your car and potentially beating up the body. Check for any sap on the roof and clean it off to prevent it from harming the paint finish.
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